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EUTOPIA – “The Europe I Wish For”

by Daniel Pomlett on May 17, 2016

The Italian Parliament has launched an online petition asking Italian citizens what they like and don't like about the EU.

The initiative is the work of the speaker of the Italian Chamber of Deputies and former prize-winning journalist On. Laura Boldrini and she aims to re-energise not just what the citizens have to say about the future of Europe but also the role of national parliaments.

Speaking on the 9 May, Europe Day, in the Italian parliament, Presidente On. Laura Boldrini said:

“The European Union is like an old car and to build a new model, each of us – citizens, national parliaments, governments, institutions of the Union – must play our part before it’s too late and before nationalists, populists,  in short all those who want the break up of Europe get their way”.

The consultation has been extended until the 19 June and the results will be evaluated by the Eutopia Comitato and presented at the end of August.

The survey can be accessed through the digital platform Mediacivici 

On the 19 May, On.Laura Boldrini is hosting a special screening of The Great European Disaster Movie in the Italian Parliament

“L’Europa come l’ho vorrei”

La Repubblica, 13.05.16

Photo by Joshua Newton

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