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by: Bill Emmott on 07.05.19

These are troubling times, when the open society is under threat, when some of the basic tenets of democracy are being challenged, when my own country, Britain, is going through a nervous breakdown, and when a coscienza Europea is needed more than ever before. That is why, just ahead of these vital European elections, our […]

by: Wake Up Europe on 04.04.19

When women are treated equally, society as a whole benefits. When they are not, we all lose. According to a report by the European Institute for Gender Equality parity between men and women is a fundamental factor allowing economies and societies to thrive. Europe already leads the world on this key measure of social progress. […]

by: Annalisa Piras on 04.03.19

Ever since the first European Parliament elections in 1979, turnout has been on the decline. But in 2019, the contest is set to be particularly fierce. Indeed, the vote may come to determine the course of the European Union at an absolutely crucial moment in its history. Here at Wake Up Europe, we’ve decided to take a look at five big issues set to dominate the elections, and ask how more people can become engaged in what is arguably the largest democratic exercise in the world.

by: Bill Emmott on 14.09.18

  It is rare to find a business leader who has sharp, reflective, worthwhile thoughts about the world beyond their own business and sector. But Sergio Marchionne was that rare exception. This interview, filmed when Annalisa Piras and I were making “Girlfriend in a Coma” in 2011/12, showed him at his absolute best: his observations […]

by: Ipsos Mori

A major new Ipsos study of over 19,000 people in 27 countries highlights how we think fake news, filter bubbles and post-truth are things that affect other people, much more than ourselves.

by: Debating Europe

Chosen as their book of the month for June, Debating Europe interview Bill Emmott, former Editor-in-Chief of The Economist, about his book, ‘The Fate of the West: The Battle to Save the World’s Most Successful Political Idea’.

by: Annalisa Piras on 18.05.18

Are you passionate about writing, European politics, journalism, civic society movements, creating engaging content with a cause that inspires and engages readers?  Are you interested in working in an innovative, fun, educational charity which uses films to connect and inspire young audiences across Europe? If you answered yes then read on… Wake Up! There’s an […]

by: Hugo Dixon - InFacts on 28.11.17

May is starting to see EU’s value in time of Putin and Trump. But we won’t be as able to stand up for our interests if Brexit goes ahead.

by: Stefanie Bolzen - Die Welt on 12.11.17

Die EU-Außenbeauftragte Mogherini verteidigt die Arbeit der Marinemission „Sophia“: Die Seenotrettung auf dem Mittelmeer ziehe keine Zuwanderer an. Sie nennt außerdem auch konkrete Zahlen.

by: Fan Carpet on 12.11.17

Can Europeans find a safer course in the global disorder? Springshot Productions and Journeyman Pictures are thrilled to announce that its current affairs 60’ documentary “Europe At Sea” will be launched 1st December 2017 for broadcast, on Amazon and additional platforms. Written, Produced and Directed by Annalisa Piras and executive produced by Claudia Bucher (Arte G.E.I.E) and Axel Arno (SVT), “Europe At Sea” had […]

by: Max Traeger on 12.11.17

Annalisa Piras è una giornalista e regista italiana che vive da molti anni a Londra, dove è stata corrispondente dell’Espresso e de La7. Come regista ha firmato due pluripremiati documentari, da lei scritti e diretti (in collaborazione con l’ex-direttore dell’Economist Bill Emmott): “Girlfriend in a Coma” sull’Italia del Berlusconismo (ma non solo) e “The Great […]

by: Daniela Vincenti - on 12.11.17

Filmmaker Annalisa Piras has completed a new documentary in which she followed for more than a year the EU’s High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, and her efforts to shape the EU’s foreign policy and devise a response to the migrant crisis.

by: Hugo Dixon - InFacts on 12.11.17

John Kerr, the peer who drafted Article 50, says we don’t have to leave the EU if we don’t want to. We imagine the letter a future prime minister writes to Donald Tusk, the EU Council president, explaining that we’ll stay after all.

by: InFacts

It could be bitter break-up. But it could also be amicable. And given we’re starting to miss EU’s warm embrace, we might get back together.

by: InFacts

Former deputy PM says we should stop clock on Brexit, then negotiate new role in EU. It is better to try to stop Brexit dead in its tracks.


The Wake Europe Project is owned and produced by WAKE UP EUROPE PROJECT, a charity dedicated to public education about the dangerous trends in western, advanced open societies and how those trends can be countered.

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