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by: Rémi Cattoir on 23.06.16

While the EU officially hopes the Brits will vote to remain In today, its member states could have diverging attitudes towards Britain. Here is an overview of some of the EU members’ potential reactions to an EU-UK divorce.

by: Rémi Cattoir on 22.06.16

On 23 June, the British people will make one of the most important choices in modern history. Having been called to vote for or against the UK remaining in the European Union, they will determine the future of their country – and of the EU – for at least a generation.

by: Ian Bancroft on 21.06.16

When Scotland voted in its own referendum back in 2014, many in the rest of the Union argued that they too should have a say in the country’s future.

by: Daniel Pomlett on 18.06.16

The General would have been particularly underwhelmed by Boris Johnson’s wavering on such a strategic issue as EU membership. He might have noted that were Boris already Prime Minister he might be campaigning for Britain to remain instead of leading the campaign to leave (aka the campaign to make Boris PM). Boris Johnson is a […]

by: Beppe Caccia on 18.06.16

In Europe, it is the cities that once again lead the way as places of radical innovation and democratic renewal – and provide answers to the challenges we face in our continent.

by: Daniel Pomlett on 17.06.16

Anti-racism campaigner Nick Lowles, CEO of Hope not Hate, shared a meal with Jo Cox's husband the night before she was brutally murdered in her Batley and Spen constituency in Leeds, England.

by: Daniel Pomlett on 17.06.16

On Sunday, June 12th 2016 Think The Wall concluded the European Border Crossing Day with the screening of "The Great European Disaster Movie", reflecting on the challenges faced by EU.

by: Rémi Cattoir on 13.06.16

Although most European newspapers and columnists would prefer Britain to remain within the European Union, some of them are beginning to sense that getting rid of an unpredictable and unwilling partner could be an opportunity for those willing to move on towards further integration – despite the risk of others following London’s trail.

by: Daniel Pomlett on 10.06.16

Whatever is the outcome of the British referendum, Europeans need change now. The issue is clear: How to counteract economic and political, but also moral and cultural marginalization of Europe?

by: Daniel Pomlett on 06.06.16

Ten men and women, a citizens’ jury of all ages and backgrounds, spend a weekend discussing how to vote in the EU referendum. They hear evidence from experts, question them closely, and then deliberate among themselves.

by: Daniel Pomlett on 06.06.16

Answer: They have both just been hugged by a European citizen who is not British. The Hug a Brit (aka Please, Don’t Go UK!) campaign is asking European citizens in the UK and around the world to find a Brit, given him or her a hug, photograph the hug and post it on Facebook. The idea is to love-bomb […]

by: Peter Droussiotis on 03.06.16

Peter Droussiotis is Chairman of the UK-Cyprus Enterprise Council and Chairman of PGD Strategy Limited, a corporate finance and strategy consulting firm. He writes here in a personal capacity.

by: Stefano Fella on 03.06.16

Stefano Fella has worked in research and policy roles for trade unions for several years. He has previously worked as a lecturer in politics at London Metropolitan University and a researcher at the University of Trento.

by: Daniel Pomlett on 03.06.16

This article has been written for many friends who have asked for a reasoned view of why I will vote Remain. This article, written for many friends who have asked for a reasoned view of why I will vote Remain, summarises a longer article which sets out the supporting arguments more fully. I include links to evidence […]

by: Stephanos Ioannou on 03.06.16

Stephanos Ioannou is a writer and blogger on current affairs, with a particular focus on Greek-Cypriot affairs. He is a former chair of the Conservative Future Enfield Southgate Association and is a member of Conservative Friends of Cyprus.

by: Stefano Fella on 29.05.16

Stay in Europe to change Europe. That was the message from the Vote In – Another Europe is Possible event held in central London on Saturday. Around a thousand people gathered at the meeting, hosted by the Another Europe is Possible campaign (for a progressive In vote), DiEM25 Democracy in Europe Movement, and Open Democracy.

by: Daniel Pomlett on 27.05.16

On Friday 27 May, from 09.30 - 14.00 (CET) Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) are hosting a conference at the Maritime Museum in Birgu, Malta to mark the next stage of their life-saving mission in the Mediterranean.

by: Roger Casale on 25.05.16

As fears grow of a possible Brexit, with the dramatic consequences this would have not just for the UK but Europe as a a whole, new grassroots groups and movements are mobilising to campaign not just for Britain to remain in the EU but for a new kind of Europe, the Europe we need.

by: Daniel Pomlett on 25.05.16

How much do you want to tell your British friends to stay in Europe? Can you move them to register to vote if they have not yet done so? Can you persuade them to VOTE REMAIN on 23 June by writing them a letter or sending them a message?

by: Roger Casale on 25.05.16

Anne Appelbaum warns in the Washington Post that what we have just witnessed in Austria and increasingly across Europe is a kind of recrudescence of “national socialism”. Read the analysis from one of our finest contemporary historians here:

by: Daniel Pomlett on 21.05.16

Every year the European Youth Forum and the European Parliament organise the EYE (European Youth Event) in Strasbourg. This includes the YO! Fest of Youth Political Festival which this year includes a screening of The Great European Disaster Movie. Read more

by: Daniel Pomlett on 21.05.16

From May 6 to May 9, the Franck Biancheri Award Conference ‘Borderless Europe - Blessing or Burden?’ took place in Cluj-Napoca (Romania).

by: Daniel Pomlett on 21.05.16

Wake Up Europe held our first screening of The Great European Disaster Movie in Vienna as part of the Day of Awakening programme of events we staged around Europe for to celebrate Europe Day 2016.

by: Daniel Pomlett on 21.05.16

Frontier Psychoanlayst is a four part discussion series with consultant psychotherapist Dr David Morgan and guests on Resonance FM.  This week: Dr Jonathan Sklar, psychoanalyst and author of “Landscapes of the Dark,” looks at alterity (otherness), particularly in the European context. With guests Roger Casale, founder and CEO, New Europeans; Roger Hartley, economist; and Fernanda Miucci, economist and former government […]


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