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Films to Wake Up Europe!

Opening Film – The Law and the Valley

HotDocs Toronto 2019 Festival Winner
2019, 72′, Italia/Francia, di Nuno Escudeiro

On the border between Italy and France, migrants fleeing war, poverty and persecution risk their lives as they are crossing dangerous mountain routes. Members of the local communities in the Roya and Durance Valleys starts to feel obliged as humans to help other humans.

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The Silence of Others

2018, 95′, Spagna, di Almudena Carracedo & Robert Bahar
The Silence of Others reveals the epic struggle fought by the victims of dictatorship under General Franco. The film follows victims and survivors as they organize a groundbreaking lawsuit against their own Spanish state. Over six years they fight the state enforced amnesia of crimes against humanity, as they continue to seek justice.

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Guardians of the Earth

2017, 85′, Austria/Germania, di Filip Antoni Malinovski
Taking us behind sealed doors of negotiations and political meetings taking place at the Paris Agreement, Guardians of the Earth reveals the clash of forces, which shape our future.

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The Reformist – A Female Imam

2019, 75′, Danimarca, di Marie Skovgaard
Sherin Khankan is a Muslim, a mother, a feminist and an activist on a mission. She wants to reform Islam from the inside and create an equal representation between men and women. One of her initiatives is to open one of Europe’s first mosques run by female imams for female only muslims

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Female Pleasure

2018, 97′, Svizzera/Germania, di Barbara Miller
Five courageous and self-determined women from around the globe break their silence imposed by their archaic-patriarch societies and religious communities. With incredible strength and positive energy they fight for sexual liberation and autonomy for women. But their victory comes at a high price.

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Freedom for the Wolf

2017, 89′, Germania, di Rupert Russel
Democracy is in crisis. A new generation of elected leaders are dismantling freedom and democracy as we know it. Filmed over three years in five countries, FREEDOM FOR THE WOLF is an epic investigation into this new regime.

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2017, 87′, Germania, di Monika Hielscher & Matthias Heeder
With Minority Report-like police techniques already available, police forces are increasingly using modern technology to make sure that the murder of tomorrow can be prevented today. What might have been science fiction before is now real life events, as software, algorithms and databases are solving crimes.

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Up to the Last Drop

2018, 58′, Francia/ Grecia, di Yorgos Avgeropoulos
On 28 July 2010, water was officially recognised as a universal human right by the United Nations. However, the European Union has yet to do the same. Up To The Last Drop follows the money and the corporate interests as cities across Europe are fighting water privatisation. Is water in Europe is a commercial product or a human right?

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The Distant Barking of Dogs

2017, 90′, Danimarca, di Simon Lereng Wilmont
A European childhood in the shadow of war. The life of a 10-year-old Ukrainian is turned upside down by the ongoing war in Eastern Ukraine. The WAKE UP EUROPE Festival will use this film to discuss war and peace in Europe.

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Inside Lehman Brothers

2018, 85′, France/Canada, di Jennifer Deschamps
Today we might think that the 2008 financial crises is over. But the first hand accounts from whistle blowers in Inside Lehman Brothers leaves us with the impression that it is not. They tried to warn about the systemic errors in the financial sector before the big crash. Now they are bringing another warning to the world: Nothing has really changed since 2008

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Wake Up Europe! made films

Europe at Sea

Europe at Sea examines whether Europe is capable and willing to combat the myriad security and humanitarian challenges within and beyond its borders: the largest migration crisis ever seen, a spike in terrorism in Europe, and the shifting sands of geopolitics.

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The Great European Disaster Movie

The Great European Disaster Movie depicts a Europe sleepwalking towards disaster. The film pairs an imagined dystopian future with insightful, cross-national analysis by experts and by ordinary citizens alike. It frames Europe through the eyes of those who are most important to its success: Europeans themselves.

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Girlfriend in a Coma

Co-written by Annalisa Piras and the former Editor of The Economist Bill Emmott, Girlfriend in a Coma (2012) explores Italy’s political, economic and social decline over the past 20 years, the product of a moral collapse unmatched anywhere else in the West. Initially banned in Italy in the run-up to elections, the film became a cult hit overnight.

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The Wake Europe Project is owned and produced by WAKE UP EUROPE PROJECT, a charity dedicated to public education about the dangerous trends in western, advanced open societies and how those trends can be countered.

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