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Our Story

The Wake Up Foundation and the Wake Europe Project were launched by lifelong international journalists Annalisa Piras and Bill Emmott in response to the overwhelming reaction of civil society and ordinary citizens across Europe to the pair’s first documentary Girlfriend in a Coma (2013).

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Who we are

Bill Emmott - Chairman

Writer, ex-editor of @theeconomist, chair @iiss_org, @japansocietylon, @TLRHub, co-director @gcppporg

John Hooper - Trustee

John Hooper is The Economist's Italy and Vatican correspondent and the author of The Italians and The New Spaniards. He lectures at Stanford University's campus in Florence and is an honorary fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge University.

Annalisa Piras - Director

Award winning film-maker, journalist and campaigner with a lifelong passion to explain European issues through films and journalism.

The Wake Europe Project in figures

Our films have been broadcast...
to 3.5m viewers worldwide
in 12 countries
in 10 languages
The Wake Up Foundation has inspired over 100 debating events in 14 countries since October 2015,held everywhere from a Ukrainian town hall to the Italian Parliament.
Girlfriend in a coma was nominated for an Italian Golden Globe and a CinEuphoria Award
The great European Disaster Movie won the German CIVIS media prize in the information category in 2016