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The Great European Disaster Movie

The Great European Disaster Movie depicts a Europe sleepwalking towards disaster. The film pairs an imagined dystopian future with insightful, cross-national analysis by experts and by ordinary citizens alike. It frames Europe through the eyes of those who are most important to its success: Europeans themselves.

Co-produced by the BBC and Arte, The Great European Disaster Movie (2015) has been watched by over 2.5 million viewers in 12 countries and has been translated into 10 languages, including Farsi and Japanese.

BBC4 broadcast the film as part of its Storyville strand in March 2015, provoking controversy and criticism from the “Leave” campaign in the UK. Annalisa Piras addressed the fallout in an op-ed for The Guardian.

Il film ha vinto il prestigioso premio tedesco CIVIS Media nel 2016, selezionato tra oltre 900 programmi di media da tutta Europa. Il premio è stato conferito dal Presidente federale tedesco Joachim Gauck e dal presidente del Parlamento europeo Martin Schulz presso il Ministero degli Affari Esteri tedesco a Berlino.