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by: Daniel Pomlett on 21.05.16

On Europe Day, Wake Up Europe teamed up with New Europeans for the first screening of The Great European Disaster Movie in the UK Parliament as part of our Day of Awakening campaign. 

by: Daniel Pomlett on 18.05.16

For Europe Day 2016, the Wake Up Europe! campaign was ratcheted up a notch, as Annalisa Piras and Bill Emmott called for a "Day of Awakening".

by: Daniel Pomlett on 17.05.16

Annalisa Piras was asked to give the keynote address to a conference held in Kolding, Denmark by The Alternative as part of the DiEM25 project.

by: Daniel Pomlett on 17.05.16

The Italian Parliament has launched an online petition asking Italian citizens what they like and don't like about the EU.

by: Roger Casale on 17.05.16

Die Wake Up Foundation und die Springshot Productions teilen hiermit hocherfreut und stolz mit, dass unser Dokumentarfilm „EU: Kurz vor dem Crash?“ den diesjährigen Civis – Medienpreis für Integration, in der Kategorie Information, gewonnen hat. Er wurde unter 930 Bewerbung aus ganz Europa ausgewählt.

by: Daniel Pomlett on 17.05.16

The Wake Up Foundation and Springshot Productions are delighted to announce that our documentary "The Great European Disaster Movie" has won the prestigious German CIVIS media prize in the information category. The film has been selected from among 930 applications by media programmes from all over Europe.

by: Daniel Pomlett on 10.05.16

Nationalism, xenophobia and insularity threaten the European Union's fundamental values. On Europe Day, let’s reaffirm those values and move forward to a more integrated Europe.

by: Kalypso Nicolaïdis on 28.04.16

The EU might be dysfunctional but it is still Britain’s home. Help us fix it from the inside. Dear British friends, My kids and husband are British, I teach and pay taxes in this country, talk to my village neighbours everyday and love English country lanes, Scottish castles, Welsh road-signs, Cornwall’s gardens and all the […]

by: Jarosław Wiśniewski on 27.04.16

Jarosław Wiśniewski is Visiting Fellow at LSEE Research on South Eastern Europe, LSE European Institute and has previously worked as a consultant for the European Commission, Council of Europe and British Council.

by: Monica Threlfall on 25.04.16

Dr Monica Threlfall is Reader in European Politics at London Metropolitan University. The main theme in her research has been the relationship between less-privileged groups of citizens and their state, manifesting itself in contestation by social movements, pressure groups and voting preferences, together with their corresponding institutional responses.

by: Phil Mike Jones on 15.04.16

Phil Mike Jones is a PhD research student in the Department of Geography at the University of Sheffield studying the geography of health inequalities and health resilience in Doncaster, South Yorkshire.

by: Christopher Grey on 14.04.16

As a UK Referendum on EU membership gets closer, much is being made by those urging exit of the idea of national sovereignty. Indeed for some Brexiters this is the defining issue. What they mean by sovereignty seems to be that a country can make its own laws and act independently of all other countries. […]

by: Aleks Szczerbiak on 09.03.16

Poland’s right-wing government found itself on the defensive in January following the European Commission’s unprecedented decision to initiate an investigation under the EU’s ‘rule of law’ mechanism.

by: Jon Danzig on 29.02.16

Eurosceptics often claim that they love Europe, but hate the European Union. They assert that Britain can still be part of Europe without having to be part of the European Union. That, of course, is true to an extent, but it rather misses the point and purpose of the EU. The European Economic Community – […]

by: Fabian Picardo QC, Chief Minister of Gibraltar on 24.02.16

On June 23 2016 some 23,000 Gibraltarians and residents of the Rock will be joining millions in the rest of the entire United Kingdom in having the opportunity to help decide the fate of our future inside or outside the European Union.

by: Isobel Chapman on 18.02.16

Last year I was fortunate enough to secure funding from the EU for a young people’s project, which I then went on to manage in three central London boroughs. The money came through the Erasmus + programme, which is normally associated to university grants allowing students to experience a year in a different EU country. […]

by: The new view from The Bridge on 15.02.16

Ben Rosamond is Professor of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen. Holly Snaith is Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen.

by: Hugo Dixon on 10.02.16

InFacts, a journalistic enterprise making the fact-based case for Britain to remain in the EU, is open for business. We are founded by a group of editors who believe it is in our interest to stay in the bloc despite its imperfections. We have editors from the left, right and centre of British politics, as well as […]

by: Germana Canzi on 03.02.16

In December 2015 in Paris, over 190 countries reached a historical agreement on fighting climate change. The European Union has had an important role in this agreement, and will be crucial to its success. But will the multiple political and economic woes on the continent undermine these efforts? And could the messy “Brexit” debate – […]

by: Jon Danzig on 29.01.16

In case of any doubt, the rights of unaccompanied child refugees are clearly defined in the European Union regulations that cover how EU member states should treat asylum seekers. And contrary to reports in the media (especially the BBC, which should know better), there is no law that requires refugees to claim asylum in the first […]

by: Silvia Favasuli on 25.01.16

“I should be more rootless”, Sarah told me. It was a Sunday afternoon and she was looking at the small stash of belongings she had collected over the course of one third of her life. Sarah is 37 years old. “I’m worried that there won’t be enough room in the new flat I’ll be renting […]

by: Mike Galsworthy on 21.01.16

According to UNESCO, the EU produced 34% more scientific output in 2014 than the US – a gap that had grown by 4% since 2008. In fact, Europe produces well over a third of the world’s total scientific output. The EU budget has a huge and growing slice for science and innovation, dedicated to busily connecting up Europe’s research […]

by: Salman Shaheen on 13.01.16

Seventy years ago, as a battered Europe was dragging itself from the fires of a world war into the frost of a cold one, no one could have imagined that only a few decades later 28 nations, former Allied and Axis powers, countries from both sides of the iron curtain, would co-exist in a political and economic union at the heart of which stood the fundamental principle of free movement and open borders.

by: Karolina Zagrodna on 07.01.16

n recent weeks, Poland has found itself in the international media spotlight for all the wrong reasons. Since coming to power three months ago the Law and Justice (PiS) party has made several moves which threaten the country’s still rather young and fragile democracy. At the end of December Poland’s parliament passed a law to […]